
For the most up to date documentation on Electrotank ElectroServer 3 please visit the ElectroServer website.

This page contains information on the ElectroServer class, ElectroServer 3 itself, and server-side plug-ins. For further assistance you can read articles online or use our support forums.

ElectroServer 3 ActionScript Class

To make it extremely easy to have Flash MX or Flash MX 2004 content talk to ElectroServer 3 we have created an ElectroServer class. With this class a Flash file can connect to the server and perform dozens of specific actions without the developer having to delve into the XML protocol. The ElectroServer class provides an easy-to-use API. Below is information on the class written in ActionScript 2.0 (for Flash MX 2004 and later) and the one writen in ActionScript 1.0 (Flash MX and later). To see them in use take a look at the example files available through the examples page.

The ActionScript 2.0 Class
This class was written in ActionScript 2.0 which can be compiled to work with Flash Player 6 and above.

Flash extension :
This is a Flash extension. Once installed you can see all of the methods, properties, and events of the ElectroServer class in the Actions panel in Flash MX 2004. You can see the help files directly through the Flash authoring environment.
Click here to install this extension.

HTML Documentation:
You can read about all of the methods, properties, and events of the ElectroServer class in your web browser.
Click here to read the documentation.

Using the ElectroServer class:
To use the ElectroServer class in a Flash movie, all of the class files must be placed in one of your class path directories. You can find the files here. By default, the directory of any FLA source file is considered a class path directory. So you can place them inside the same directory as a Flash file. File ease-of-replacement (when updates to the class are available) we recommend that you place them in a permanent class path directory. Such as the class path directory that Flash MX 2004 uses for its built-in classes.

The ActionScript 1.0 Class
Note: It is strongly recommended that you use the ActionScript 2.0 class found above. This ActionScript 1 class works, but is no longer being updated. Since ActionScript 3 exists, it is a logical step to phase out ActionScript 1.
This class was written in ActionScript 1.0 which is Flash MX (Flash player 6) compatible.

HTML Documentation:
You can read about all of the methods, properties, and events of the ElectroServer class in your web browser.
Click here to read the documentation.

Using the ElectroServer class:
To use the ElectroServer class in a Flash movie you must include it using the #include syntax in Flash MX. You can find the ElectroServer class files in this directory. It is recommended to copy this entire directory and place it inside the same directory as your Flash application. Then include the class with this command: #include "as_files/". See the examples on the examples page if you have trouble.

ElectroServer 3

For troubleshooting information please visit the FAQ for ElectroServer 3 on th ElectroServer 3 website.

ElectroServer 3 has many configurable features. Currently they are all controlled through the same file. To configure these features you must edit the configuration file. The file is called Configuration.xml and is located in this directory. To edit Configuration.xml open it with a text editor, such as Notepad, or your editor of choice. This file contains comments throughout that will assist you in understanding and editing the file. Alternatively, you can use the web-based administrator by clicking here.

Server-side Plug-ins

ElectroServer 3 supports server-side plug-ins. They can be written using ActionScript 1.0 or Java and enhance the capabilities of ElectroServer. For intance, you could write a server-side plug-in to help with the AI in a game, to perform specific database queries, or any other any number of other things. There are many examples already installed. You can view them here.

Server-side ActionScript Plugin Documentation
HTML Documentation:
You can read about all of the methods, properties, and events here.
Click here to read the HTML documentation.

Flash Extension:
You can install the API into the Flash refernce panel for help while you code. The help docs will also be available through Flash.
Click here to install this extension.

Server-side Java Plugin Documentation
HTML Documentation:
You can read about the API exposed for Java use here.
Click here to read this HTML documentation.