using System; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Net.Sockets; using Woodpecker.Core; using Woodpecker.Storage; using Woodpecker.Specialized; using Woodpecker.Security.Cryptography; using Woodpecker.Net.Game; using Woodpecker.Net.Remote; using Woodpecker.Sessions; using Woodpecker.Game.Externals; using Woodpecker.Game.Users; using Woodpecker.Game.Users.Roles; using Woodpecker.Game.Store; using Woodpecker.Game.Messenger; using Woodpecker.Game.Moderation; using Woodpecker.Game.Rooms; using Woodpecker.Game.Items; using Woodpecker.Game.Arcade; namespace Woodpecker { /// /// The 'hearth' of Woodpecker, containing references to all kinds of objects. /// public static class Engine { #region Fields private static mainForm mMainForm; private static sessionManager mSessionManager = new sessionManager(); private static gameConnectionManager mGameConnectionManager = new gameConnectionManager(); private static remoteConnectionManager mRemoteConnectionManager = new remoteConnectionManager(); private static externalManager mExternalManager = new externalManager(); private static userManager mUserManager = new userManager(); private static roleManager mRoleManager = new roleManager(); private static storeManager mStoreManager = new storeManager(); private static messengerManager mMessengerManager = new messengerManager(); private static moderationManager mModerationManager = new moderationManager(); private static roomManager mRoomManager = new roomManager(); private static itemManager mItemManager = new itemManager(); private static arcadeManager mArcadeManager = new arcadeManager(); private static md5Provider mMD5Provider = new md5Provider(); #endregion #region Properties public static class Program { #region Properties /// /// A reference to the main form with the user interface. /// public static mainForm GUI { get { return mMainForm; } set { mMainForm = value; } } /// /// The product version of this copy of Woodpecker as a string. /// public static string Version { get { return System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); } } #endregion #region Methods /// /// Starts the booting procedure of Woodpecker and handles exceptions. /// public static void Start() { Logging.setDefaultLogSessings(); Logging.Log("Woodpecker v" + Version); Logging.Log(null); Logging.Log("Checking db.config..."); if (!Configuration.configFileExists) { Logging.Log("db.config was not found in the same directory as the executable of this copy of Woodpecker!"); Stop("db.config not found"); return; } Configuration.createConnectionString(); Logging.Log("Running database connectivity check..."); Database Check = new Database(true, true); if (Check.Ready) { Check.runQuery("INSERT INTO server_startups(startup) VALUES (NOW())"); // Log server startup Check = null; Logging.Log("Database is contactable!"); } else { Logging.Log("Failed to contact database, please check the error shown above!", Logging.logType.commonWarning); Stop("failed to contact database"); return; } Logging.Log(null); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); mMD5Provider = new md5Provider(); mMD5Provider.baseSalt = Configuration.getConfigurationValue("cryptography.md5.salt"); mExternalManager.loadEntries(); mRoleManager.loadRoles(); mMessengerManager.setConfiguration(); mModerationManager.logChat = (Configuration.getConfigurationValue("moderation.logchat") == "1"); mItemManager.loadDefinitions(); mStoreManager.loadSales(); mStoreManager.loadCataloguePages(); mRoomManager.initRoomCategories(); mRoomManager.initRoomModels(); int Port = Configuration.getNumericConfigurationValue(""); if (Port > 0) { int maxConnectionsPerIP = Configuration.getNumericConfigurationValue(""); if (maxConnectionsPerIP == 0) { Logging.Log("The field in the `configuration` table of the database is not holding a valid value. The default value '3' will be used.", Logging.logType.commonWarning); maxConnectionsPerIP = 3; } if (!mGameConnectionManager.startListening(Port, maxConnectionsPerIP)) { Configuration.setConfigurationValue("server.status", "offline"); Logging.Log("Failed to setup game connection listener, the port (" + Port + ") is probably in use by another application.", Logging.logType.commonWarning); Stop("failed to setup game connection listener"); return; } } else { Configuration.setConfigurationValue("server.status", "offline"); Logging.Log("The field '' in the `configuration` table of the database is not present. Please fill in a numeric entry, which represents the port to listen on for game connections.", Logging.logType.commonWarning); Stop("No valid port for game connection listener set."); return; } Port = 3080; if (Port > 0) { bool allowExternalHosts = false; if (!mRemoteConnectionManager.startListening(Port, allowExternalHosts)) { Configuration.setConfigurationValue("server.status", "offline"); Logging.Log("Failed to setup remote connection listener, the port (" + Port + ") is probably in use by another application.", Logging.logType.commonWarning); Stop("failed to setup remote connection listener"); return; } } mSessionManager.startPingChecker(); mSessionManager.startReceivedBytesChecker(); Game.startUpdater(); Logging.Log(null); Logging.Log("Ready."); Configuration.setConfigurationValue("server.status", "online"); mMainForm.logSacredText(null); mMainForm.stripMenu.Enabled = true; } /// /// Sets Woodpecker in the 'allowed to close window'-mode, after shutting down all other tasks etc. A message is being displayed with the reason of shutdown. /// /// The reason of the shutdown. public static void Stop(string Message) { Configuration.setConfigurationValue("server.status", "offline"); Logging.Log("Shutting down, reason: " + Message); mGameConnectionManager.stopListening(); mSessionManager.stopPingChecker(); mSessionManager.stopMessageSizeChecker(); mSessionManager.Clear(); //_roomManager.saveInstances(); Game.stopUpdater(); mMainForm.stripMenu.Enabled = false; mMainForm.mShutdown = true; Logging.Log("Woodpecker safely shutdown! You can now close the application."); } #endregion } /// /// Provides various functions for enciphering and hashing data. /// public static class Security { /// /// Provides functions for hashing data. /// public static class Cryptography { public static md5Provider MD5 { get { return mMD5Provider; } } } /// /// Provides functions for ciphering data and generating public keys. Also features a factory for creating RC4 classes. /// public static class Ciphering { /// /// Generates a total random public key with a random length for the RC4 ciphering, containing a-z and 0-9 and returns it as a string. /// public static string generateKey() { int keyLength = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(60, 65); Random v = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + DateTime.Now.Second + keyLength); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(keyLength); for (int i = 0; i < keyLength; i++) { int j = 0; if (v.Next(0, 2) == 1) j = v.Next(97, 123); else j = v.Next(48, 58); sb.Append((char)j); } return sb.ToString(); } } } /// /// Provides various functions regarding player sessions. /// public static sessionManager Sessions { get { return mSessionManager; } } /// /// Provides various functions for connections. /// public static class Net { /// /// Provides various functions for game connections. /// public static gameConnectionManager Game { get { return mGameConnectionManager; } } /// /// Provides various functions for remote connections. /// public static remoteConnectionManager Remote { get { return mRemoteConnectionManager; } } } /// /// Provides management for all kinds of in-game related things. /// public static class Game { #region Properties private static Thread mUpdateWorker; /// /// Provides management for cached external texts. /// public static externalManager Externals { get { return mExternalManager; } } /// /// Provides management and functions for logged in users, user data etc. /// public static userManager Users { get { return mUserManager; } } /// /// Provides management and functions for user roles, such as rights, badges etc. /// public static roleManager Roles { get { return mRoleManager; } } /// /// Contains various functions and fields for the catalogue and it's items, as well as other financial things. /// public static storeManager Store { get { return mStoreManager; } } /// /// Provides various functions for the in-game messenger ('Console') for sending messages to users, adding users to buddylist etc. Also features a postmaster. /// public static messengerManager Messenger { get { return mMessengerManager; } } /// /// Provides all kinds of functions for moderation in the virtual hotel, eg, bans etc. /// public static moderationManager Moderation { get { return mModerationManager; } } /// /// Provides all kinds of functions for rooms, room categories and the navigator. /// public static roomManager Rooms { get { return mRoomManager; } } public static itemManager Items { get { return mItemManager; } } public static arcadeManager Arcade { get { return mArcadeManager; } } #endregion #region Methods /// /// Attempts to start the game updater worker thread. /// public static void startUpdater() { if(mUpdateWorker == null) { mUpdateWorker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Updater)); mUpdateWorker.Start(); Logging.Log("Game update worker started."); Rooms.resetRoomUserAmounts(); } } /// /// Stops the game updater worker thread. /// public static void stopUpdater() { if (mUpdateWorker != null) { mUpdateWorker.Abort(); mUpdateWorker = null; Logging.Log("Game update worker stopped."); } } /// /// An infinite loop at a configured interval, updating various things in game. /// private static void Updater() { while (true) { Moderation.dropExpiredBans(); Messenger.Postmaster.dropInvalidMessages(); Rooms.dropInvalidFavoriteRoomEntries(); Rooms.destroyInactiveRoomInstances(); GC.Collect(); // Force garbage collecting Thread.Sleep(3 * 60000); // 3 minutes interval } } #endregion } #endregion } }