using System;
using Woodpecker.Specialized.Text;
using Woodpecker.Sessions;
using Woodpecker.Net.Game.Messages;
using Woodpecker.Game.Users;
using Woodpecker.Game.Rooms.Instances;
using Woodpecker.Specialized.Fun;
namespace Woodpecker.Game.Moderation
/// Contains target methods for various functions regarding the 'Call for Help' feature and the 'moderation tool'. This reactor is hooked to moderator+ sessions only.
public class moderationReactor : Reactor
#region Target methods
/// 200 - "CH"
string[] args = Request.getMixedParameters();
int requestAction = int.Parse(args[1]);
// 2 = message, 3 = extra info, 4 = target username, 5 = banhours, 6 = ban machine, 7 = ban IP
stringFunctions.filterVulnerableStuff(ref args[2], false);
stringFunctions.filterVulnerableStuff(ref args[3], false);
if(args.Length >= 5) // Filter target username?
stringFunctions.filterVulnerableStuff(ref args[4], true);
string postBackMessage = null;
if (args[0] == "0") // Single-user action
if (args[4].Length > 0) // Username given
if (requestAction == 0 || requestAction == 1) // Alert or ban
if (requestAction == 0) // Alert
if (args[2].Length > 0) // Message given
if (Engine.Game.Moderation.requestAlert(Session.User.ID, args[4], args[2], args[3]))
postBackMessage = "Alert sent to user.";
else if (requestAction == 1) // Kick
if (Engine.Game.Moderation.requestKickFromRoom(Session.User.ID, args[4], args[2], args[3]))
postBackMessage = "Kick sent to user.";
else if (requestAction == 2) // Ban
if (args[2].Length > 0) // Message given
int banHours = int.Parse(args[5]);
bool banMachine = (args[6] == "1");
bool banIP = (args[7] == "1");
if (Engine.Game.Moderation.requestBan(Session.User.ID, args[4], banHours, banIP, banMachine, args[2], args[3]))
postBackMessage = "User banned for " + banHours + " hours, ip banned: " + banIP.ToString().ToLower() + ", machine banned: " + banMachine.ToString().ToLower() + ".";
else // Room action
if (Session.inRoom)
if (requestAction == 0) // Alert
if (args[2].Length > 0) // Message given
if (args[2].IndexOf("/voice") == 0)
args[2] = args[2].Substring(6);
postBackMessage = "Voice sent.";
if (Engine.Game.Moderation.requestRoomAlert(Session.User.ID, Session.roomID, args[2], args[3]))
postBackMessage = "Alert sent to room.";
else if (requestAction == 1) // Kick
if (Engine.Game.Moderation.requestRoomKick(Session.User.ID, Session.roomID, args[2], args[3]))
postBackMessage = "Kick sent to room.";
if (postBackMessage == null)
postBackMessage = "Make sure that the target user is online (if any) and you have the correct permissions.";