ECHO OFF CLS IF "%1"=="" GOTO EOF IF "%1"=="d" GOTO DECOMPILE IF "%1"=="c" GOTO COMPILE :DECOMPILE ECHO HabboUI Editor is decompiling the SWF. ECHO Please wait...... abcexport habbo/habbo.swf rabcdasm habbo/ rabcdasm habbo/ GOTO EOF :COMPILE ECHO HabboUI Editor is compiling the SWF. ECHO Please wait...... RABCASM habbo/habbo-0/Habbo-0.main.asasm RABCASM habbo/habbo-1/Habbo-1.main.asasm abcreplace habbo/habbo.swf 0 habbo/habbo-0/ abcreplace habbo/habbo.swf 1 habbo/habbo-1/ GOTO EOF :EOF