using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Collections.Generic; using Holo.Managers; using Holo.Virtual.Users; using Holo.Virtual.Rooms; using System.Collections; namespace Holo.Socketservers { /// /// Asynchronous socket server for the MUS connections. /// public static class musSocketServer { private static Socket socketHandler; private static int _Port; private static string _musHost; /// /// Initializes the socket listener for MUS connections and starts listening. /// /// The port where the socket listener should be bound to. /// internal static bool Init(int bindPort, string musHost) { _Port = bindPort; _musHost = musHost; socketHandler = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); Out.WriteLine("Starting up asynchronous socket server for MUS connections for port " + bindPort + "..."); try { socketHandler.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, bindPort)); socketHandler.Listen(25); socketHandler.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(connectionRequest), socketHandler); Out.WriteLine("Asynchronous socket server for MUS connections running on port " + bindPort); Out.WriteLine("Listening for MUS connections from " + musHost); return true; } catch { Out.WriteError("Error while setting up asynchronous socket server for MUS connections on port " + bindPort); Out.WriteError("Port " + bindPort + " could be invalid or in use already."); return false; } } private static void connectionRequest(IAsyncResult iAr) { Socket newSocket = ((Socket)iAr.AsyncState).EndAccept(iAr); if (newSocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString().Split(':')[0] != _musHost) { newSocket.Close(); return; } musConnection newConnection = new musConnection(newSocket); socketHandler.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(connectionRequest), socketHandler); } /// /// Represents an asynchronous, one time usage, socket connection between the emulator and HoloCMS, used for various live updates between site & server. /// private class musConnection { private Socket Connector; private byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[10001]; /// /// Initializes the musConnection and listens for one single packet, processes it and closes the connection. On any error, the connection is closed. /// /// The socket of the musConnection. internal musConnection(Socket Connector) { this.Connector = Connector; Connector.BeginReceive(dataBuffer, 0, dataBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(dataArrival), null); } /// /// Called when a packet is received, the packet will be processed and the connection will be closed (after processing packet) in all cases. No errors will be thrown. /// /// private void dataArrival(IAsyncResult iAr) { try { int bytesReceived = Connector.EndReceive(iAr); string Data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dataBuffer, 0, bytesReceived); string musHeader = Data.Substring(0, 4); string[] musData = Data.Substring(4).Split(Convert.ToChar(2)); Out.WriteLine("DATA: " + Data); #region MUS trigger commands // Unsafe code, but on any error it jumps to the catch block & disconnects the socket switch (musHeader) { case "HKTM": // Housekeeping - textmessage [BK] :: "HKTM123This is a test message to user with ID 123" { int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]); string Message = musData[1]; if (userManager.containsUser(userID)) userManager.getUser(userID).sendData("BK" + Message); break; } case "HKMW": // Housekeeping - alert user [mod warn] :: "HKMW123This is a test mod warn to user with ID 123" { int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]); string Message = musData[1]; if (userManager.containsUser(userID)) userManager.getUser(userID).sendData("B!" + Message + Convert.ToChar(2)); break; } case "HKUK": // Housekeeping - kick user from room [mod warn] :: "HKUK123This is a test kick from room + modwarn for user with ID 123" { int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]); string Message = musData[1]; virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(userID); if (User.Room != null) User.Room.removeUser(User.roomUser.roomUID, true, Message); break; } case "HKAR": // Housekeeping - alert certain rank with BK message, contains flag to include users with higher rank :: "HKAR11This is a test message for all users with rank 1 and higher, so kindof a Hotel alert :D" { byte Rank = byte.Parse(musData[0]); bool includeHigher = (musData[1] == "1"); string Message = musData[2]; userManager.sendToRank(Rank, includeHigher, "BK" + Message); break; } case "HKSB": // Housekeeping - ban user & kick from room :: "HKSB123This is a test ban for user with ID 123" { int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]); string Message = musData[1]; virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(userID); User.sendData("@c" + Message); User.Disconnect(1000); break; } case "HKRC": // Housekeeping - rehash catalogue :: "HKRC" { catalogueManager.Init(false); break; } case "UPRA": // User profile - reload figure, sex and mission (poof!) { int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]); if (userManager.containsUser(userID)) userManager.getUser(userID).refreshAppearance(true, true, true); break; } case "UPRC": // User profile - reload credits { int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]); userManager.getUser(userID).refreshValueables(true, false); break; } case "UPRT": // User profile - reload tickets { int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]); if (userManager.containsUser(userID)) userManager.getUser(userID).refreshValueables(false, true); break; } case "UPRS": // User profile - reload subscription (and badges) { int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]); if (userManager.containsUser(userID)) { virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(userID); User.refreshClub(); User.refreshBadges(); } break; } case "UPRH":// User profile - reload hand { int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]); if (userManager.containsUser(userID)) userManager.getUser(userID).refreshHand("new"); break; } } #endregion } catch { } finally {killConnection();} } /// /// Closes the connection and destroys the object. /// private void killConnection() { try { Connector.Close(); } catch { } } } } }