Public Class ChatShortcuts Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged If ComboBox1.Text = "AFK" Then Label2.Text = "Away from keyboard" If ComboBox1.Text = "NM" Then Label2.Text = "Not Much" If ComboBox1.Text = "BBL" Then Label2.Text = "Be back later" If ComboBox1.Text = "BRB" Then Label2.Text = "Be right back" If ComboBox1.Text = "NTY" Then Label2.Text = " No Thank you" If ComboBox1.Text = "OMG" Then Label2.Text = "Oh my god" If ComboBox1.Text = "BTD" Then Label2.Text = "Bet the dealer" If ComboBox1.Text = "PMSL" Then Label2.Text = "Pee myself laughing" If ComboBox1.Text = "IMO" Then Label2.Text = "In my opinion" If ComboBox1.Text = "PLS" Then Label2.Text = "Please" If ComboBox1.Text = "FTW" Then Label2.Text = "For the win" If ComboBox1.Text = "ROFL" Then Label2.Text = "Roll on floor laughing" If ComboBox1.Text = "G" Then Label2.Text = " Game" If ComboBox1.Text = "TTYL" Then Label2.Text = "Talk to you later" If ComboBox1.Text = "GG" Then Label2.Text = " Good game" If ComboBox1.Text = "TY" Then Label2.Text = "Thankyou" If ComboBox1.Text = "GL" Then Label2.Text = "Good Luck" If ComboBox1.Text = "TBH" Then Label2.Text = "To be honest" If ComboBox1.Text = "G2G" Then Label2.Text = "Got to go" If ComboBox1.Text = "TMI" Then Label2.Text = "Too much information" If ComboBox1.Text = "LMAO" Then Label2.Text = "Laugh my ass off" If ComboBox1.Text = "YW" Then Label2.Text = "Your Welcome" If ComboBox1.Text = "FTAO" Then Label2.Text = "For the attention of" If ComboBox1.Text = "IRL" Then Label2.Text = "In real life" If ComboBox1.Text = "NVM" Then Label2.Text = " Nevermind" If ComboBox1.Text = "ATM" Then Label2.Text = "At the moment" If ComboBox1.Text = "WB" Then Label2.Text = "Welcome back" If ComboBox1.Text = "BTW" Then Label2.Text = "By the way " If ComboBox1.Text = "J/S" Then Label2.Text = "Just saying" If ComboBox1.Text = "NP" Then Label2.Text = "No Problem" If ComboBox1.Text = "WIP" Then Label2.Text = "Work In Progress" If ComboBox1.Text = "FGS" Then Label2.Text = "For god sake" End Sub Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click ComboBox1.Text = Label1.Text End Sub Private Sub Form7_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load EnableGlass = False If CBool(My.Settings.LogFormat64) = False Then Me.TitleText = "Chat Shortcuts (Trial Version)" End If End Sub End Class