using System; using System.Text; namespace Holo { /// /// Provides number encoding/decoding for the Habbo client. Features VL64 and Base64. Class written by Josh Comery. (Jeax) /// public static class Encoding { #region Base64 public static string encodeB64(int value, int length) { string stack = ""; for (int x = 1; x <= length; x++) { int offset = 6 * (length - x); byte val = (byte)(64 + (value >> offset & 0x3f)); stack += (char)val; } return stack; } public static string encodeB64(string Val) { int value = Val.Length; int length = 2; string stack = ""; for (int x = 1; x <= length; x++) { int offset = 6 * (length - x); byte val = (byte)(64 + (value >> offset & 0x3f)); stack += (char)val; } return stack; } public static int decodeB64(string Val) { char[] val = Val.ToCharArray(); int intTot = 0; int y = 0; for (int x = (val.Length - 1); x >= 0; x--) { int intTmp = (int)(byte)((val[x] - 64)); if (y > 0) { intTmp = intTmp * (int)(Math.Pow(64, y)); } intTot += intTmp; y++; } return intTot; } #endregion #region VL64 public static string encodeVL64(int i) { byte[] wf = new byte[6]; int pos = 0; int startPos = pos; int bytes = 1; int negativeMask = i >= 0 ? 0 : 4; i = Math.Abs(i); wf[pos++] = (byte)(64 + (i & 3)); for (i >>= 2; i != 0; i >>= 6) { bytes++; wf[pos++] = (byte)(64 + (i & 0x3f)); } wf[startPos] = (byte)(wf[startPos] | bytes << 3 | negativeMask); System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding(); string tmp = encoder.GetString(wf); return tmp.Replace("\0", ""); } public static int decodeVL64(string data) { return decodeVL64(data.ToCharArray()); } public static int decodeVL64(char[] raw) { try { int pos = 0; int v = 0; bool negative = (raw[pos] & 4) == 4; int totalBytes = raw[pos] >> 3 & 7; v = raw[pos] & 3; pos++; int shiftAmount = 2; for (int b = 1; b < totalBytes; b++) { v |= (raw[pos] & 0x3f) << shiftAmount; shiftAmount = 2 + 6 * b; pos++; } if (negative) v *= -1; return v; } catch { return 0; } } #endregion } }