$lang_daylyoffers="Dayly offers";
$lang_freecredits="Free credits";
$lang_freecreditsdesc="If you advertise this %link% then you receive 500 credits";
$lang_succredits="You received 500 credits.";
$lang_errcredits="You already received 500 credits.";
$lang_exitreg="Exit Registration";
$lang_marketing="Yes, please send me Hablog updates, including the newsletter!";
$lang_acceptterms="I accept the Terms of Service";
$lang_terms="Terms of Servic";
$lang_emailad="eMail adress";
$lang_birth="I was born on";
$lang_retype="Confirm your";
$lang_retypes="Confirm your";
$lang_createavatar="CREATE YOUR AVATAR";
$lang_choosename="CHOOSE YOUR NAME";
$lang_urdetails="Your Info";
$lang_register="Register for free";
$lang_contactteam="I want to contact the team";
$lang_registereduser="are registered";
$lang_rememberme="Remember me";
$lang_onlineuser="members are online";
$lang_virtual="is a virtual world where you can meet and make friends";
$lang_registertoday="Register today";
$lang_signin="Last online";
$lang_latestnews="Latest news";
$lang_readmore="Read more";
$lang_morenews="More news";
$lang_searchother="Type in few characters of the name to search for other";
$lang_messages="My Messages";
$lang_taginfo="You haven't used up all your tags yet - add some more! To view your added tags reload this page.";
$lang_mytags="My Tags";
$lang_changemotto="Click to enter your motto/ status";
$lang_settings="Account Settings";
$lang_friends="My Friends";
$lang_groups="My Groups";
$lang_emailchange = "Email";
$lang_rooms="My Rooms";
$lang_change="Save changes";
$lang_clubinfo="is our VIP members-only club: absolutely no riff-raff admitted! Members enjoy a wide range of benifits, including exclusive clothes, free gifts and an extended Friend List.";
$lang_checkout="Check out our";
$lang_lookinfo="Change your looks";
$lang_signout="Sign Out";
$lang_gifts="Monthly Gifts";
$lang_giftsinfo="You get every month a new present on your hand with a new club furni. This furnis will never be in the catalouge. Join now to get this special furnis!";
$lang_extraclothes="Extra Clothes & Accessories";
$lang_extraclothesdesc="Show off your new status with a variety of extra clothes and accessories, along with special hairstyles and colours.";
$lang_freefurni="Free Furni";
$lang_freefurnidesc="Once a month, every month, you'll get an exclusive piece of Hablog Club furni.
Important note: club time is cumulative. This means that if you have a break in membership, and then rejoin, you'll start back in the same place you left off.";
$lang_roomlayouts="Exclusive Room Layouts";
$lang_roomlayoutsdesc="Special Guest Room layouts, only for Hablog Club members. Perfect for showing off your new furni!";
$lang_areas="Access All Areas";
$lang_areasdesc="Jump the annoying queues when rooms are loading. And that's not all - you'll also get access to HC-only Public Rooms.";
$lang_hpupgrades="Homepage Upgrades";
$lang_hpupgradesdesc="Join Hablog Club and say goodbye to homepage ads! And this means you can make the most of the HC skins and backgrounds too.";
$lang_morefriends="More Friends";
$lang_morefriendsdesc="600 people! Now that's a lot of buddies however you look at it. More than you can poke with a medium-sized stick, or a big-sized small stick.";
$lang_specialcommands="Special Commands";
$lang_specialcommandsdesc="Use the :chooser command to see a clickable list of all the users in the room. Pretty handy when you want to sit next to your mate, or kick out a troublemaker.
Use the :furni command to list all the items in a room. Everything is listed, even those sneakily hidden items.";
$lang_becomeavip="become a VIP!";
$lang_getcredits="Get Credits!";
$lang_methodscredits="Please select your method how to get Credits:";
$lang_offers="SPECIAL OFFERS";
$lang_ifyouadvertise="If you advertise";
$lang_advertisedesc="you get per advertised friend 1000 credits.
With 1000 credits you can buy:
- Furnitures
- Spaces
- Tickets
- Rares";
$lang_purse="Your purse";
$lang_have="You Currently Have:";
$lang_entercode="Enter redemption code:";
$lang_clickus="Click Us!";
$lang_onlinenow="online now";
$lang_uraccount="What is your account?";
$lang_helptool="HELP TOOL";
$lang_helpdesc="Please give us your account name and your email address and let us know why are you contact us.";
$lang_message="Your Message:";
$lang_email="Email address";
$lang_name="Account name";