If you plan to customize FUSELight server for your own project you should duplicate this
class and move it to package com.fuse.projects.
- processFuseMessage(String type, String data) // sends message to client
For your own special projects you probably want to have your own connection-handler which extends FUSELightConnection.
To use your own connection-handler you must make your own connectionfactory and pass it to FUSEConnectionManager
when it is instantiated. See constructor for com.fuse.projects.fuse_light.FUSELight for an example.
Reference to the database is obtaned by calling:
FUSEDatabase has following public methods:
1. Get an dataobject of wanted type like "FUSEUser": dbObject= databaseRef.createNew("FUSEUser")
2. If you want to query for objects of given type, use methods of the dataObject. For example
FUSEUser has method findUserByName()
3. If you want to insert object, first set the fields of the created object and then call databaseRef.insert(dbObject)
Environment variables
To get environment-variables, call static getProperty()-methods from com.fuse.FUSEEnvironment.
Connection handler
com.fuse.projects.fuse_light.net.FUSELightConnection extends com.fuse.net.FUSEClientConnection.
For each connection from a client new instance of FUSELightConnection is created. Its method handleClientMessage(String)
processes all the messages sent by the client (investigate this method carefully!). Superclass FUSEClientConnection has all generic methods, such as:
- release() // disconnects connection
- generateError(int code, String msg) // sends error message to client
Connection manager / factory
com.fuse.net.FUSEConnectionManager keeps track of active connections and returns new connections to the
connection-listener (com.fuse.net.FUSEConnectionListener) when needed. com.fuse.net.FUSEConnectionFactory
constructs connections for the connection-manager. FUSELightConnections are constructed by class
Database architecture of FUSELight is somewhat complicated but very modular. Package is com.fuse.storage
Database-manager can be accessed via RMI or locally (default) and data is encapsulated in FUSEDataObject-objects. Implementation is hidden from
the programmer of the application logic so you always call generic interfaces / abstract-classes.
FUSEDatabase databaseRef = FUSEEnvironment.getDatabaseProxy().getDatabase();
Interface: com.fuse.storage.FUSEDatabase
public FUSEDataObject createNew(String type) throws ClassNotFoundException, RemoteException;
public FUSEDataObject insert(FUSEDataObject dbObject) throws DatabaseException, RemoteException;
public void delete(FUSEDataObject dbObject) throws DatabaseException, RemoteException;
public FUSEDataObject update(FUSEDataObject dbObject) throws DatabaseException, RemoteException;
public Vector query(ObjectQueryBean bean) throws DatabaseException, RemoteException;
public Object querySummary(SummaryQueryBean bean) throws DatabaseException, RemoteException;
Basically you use database like this:DataObject implementations
SQL-implementations for the data-objects are in package com.fuse.storage.sql.data_objects. Corresponding implementation
is named SQLFUSEDatabase-implementations
See com.fuse.storage.sql.SQLDatabaseImpl...
User registry
Access to user-database is conviniently handled by FUSERegister-class. You can get an instance by calling
Secret Keys
Everytime client connects to the server it must decode correctly a secret key sent by the server.
The idea is to prevent most hackers from making their own clients to your server.
Different services should have their own algorithms for secret keys. Secret key-generators must
implement interface com.fuse.secret.SecretKey. With FUSE Light I have provided a very simple
implementation com.fuse.secret.VerySimpleSecretKey. Secret key generator to be used is defined
in fuse.properties-file.