= 32) { $errors = 'Sorry, this name is too long'; } else if(strlen($password) >= 50) { $errors = 'The password you selected is too long.'; } else if(strlen($password2) >= 50) { $errors = 'Password is different. Try again'; } else if(strlen($email) <= 6) { $errors = 'Please enter a valid email address.'; } else if($users->UserExists($username)) { $errors = 'The name you chose already exists Think different.'; } else if(!$users->ValidEmail($email)) { $errors = 'Please enter a valid email address'; } else if(!$users->HasValidName($username)) { $errors = 'This name is already in use or is not allowed. Try again'; } else if(!$users->HasValidChar($username)) { $errors = 'This name is already in use or is not allowed. Try again'; } else if($users->EmailInUse($email)) { $errors = 'This email address is already in use. Try again!'; } else if($password != $password2) { $errors = 'Password is different. Try again'; } else if($users->Limitof3($myIp)) { $errors = 'Unfortunately, you have already created more than 3 users'; } if(isset($errors)) { $showMessage = '
'; $showMessage .= $errors; $showMessage .= '
'; } if(!isset($errors)) { $users->AddMember($username,$password,$email,$myIp, $sitename); $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['password'] = $password; header("Location: ".$path."/me.php"); exit; } } ?> <?PHP echo $shortname; ?>: <?PHP echo $pagename; ?>
  • Welcome to !
n="" method="post">

You can name these symbols -=?!:.

Please enter a valid email address!

Your password must be 6 characters long.

Your password again.